5B Trailblazing Innovation | Integrating the Documentary 5B into Nursing Education

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Glossary of Terms

Allyship: Collaborating to assist and support other (s) in the fight to combat an injustice. Allies are particularly important when a vulnerability or power imbalance exists.     

Care: Displaying concern for another/others by providing for or working to protect.

Caring: Nurturing way of relating to another to promote their personal growth, health, and a sense of affirmation. A sense of commitment and responsibility frames the caring act or behaviors.

Communication: The exchange of information that involves the presence of a message, a sender, and a receiver. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal, or visual.  

Community: A group of people living in the same area who have similar interests or characteristics. 

Compassionate Care: An approach to patient care that involves having empathy or real concern for patients coupled with a desire to take action to address the patient’s need. 

Courage: The ability to persevere during difficult times, experiences, or when faced with challenges. 

Determinants of Health:  A number of domains that encompass environmental, social, economic, and personal determinants. The interrelationships between these factors contributes to the health and well-being of an individual or community.

Dignity: The essential worth and inherent value of all individuals. Dignity demands that each person deserves ethical care and due respect for simply existing. (Franco, Caldeira & Nunes, 2020; Lindwall & Lohne, 2020).

Emotional Intelligence: The ability to recognize the emotions of others and to be aware of, manage, and express one’s own emotions during interpersonal interactions, with grace and care (Kim & Yoo, 2020; Park & Park, 2018). 

Followership: A reciprocal form of leadership involving a willingness or decision to support an individual, team, or organization.      

Health Equity: Opportunity for all to achieve optimal health by acknowledging existence of barriers and working to mitigate or eliminate impact of these barriers.

Innovation: The art of creating, developing, and/or implementing something new with the goal of improving processes or efficiencies.

Intentionality: To act with a purpose in directing one’s own actions, making decisions, and engaging with others (Purtzer & Thomas, 2019).

Leadership: Assuming responsibility for motivating others to do their best to achieve a defined goal. A leader builds trusting relationships with and among team members, thereby creating a sense of common purpose to achieve a common goal. 

Moral Agency: The action taken to pursue, achieve, and maintain optimal beneficial outcomes consistent with the moral/ethical principles of one’s practice. For nurses, requisites are clinical skills, decision-making skills based on ethical/moral principles, and an ability to act and overcome obstacles to good care. If competing interests, such as organizational goals versus patient care goals, prevent practice consistent with one’s principles, moral distress may occur.    

Moral Courage:     The ability to stand up for and practice that which one considers ethical, moral behavior when faced with a dilemma, even if it means going against countervailing pressure to do otherwise.  Those with moral courage resolve to “do the right thing” even if it puts them at personal risk of losing employment, isolation from peers or other negative consequences.  One should bear in mind that morality may mean different things to different people while professional ethical behavior is usually more clearly defined.

Person-Centered Care: Providing care to the individual in a respectful, inclusive, and responsive manner to meet the needs, values and preferences of the individual.

Professional: One who adheres to the nursing standards of practice which includes ethical, compassionate, and evidence-based care to all patients (Ghadirian, Salsali, & Cheraghi, 2014; Kim & Yoo, 2020).

Resilience: The ability to adapt to change, withstand or overcome adversity, and bounce back from difficult events in a healthy, positive manner.    

Respect: To hold in high esteem. Having consideration for the feelings, perspectives, and experiences of another person or group.

Self-Awareness: Learning about one’s own personality, including attitudes, preferences, biases, and morals to better understand and guide one’s behavior (Steffens et al., 2021; Younas et al., 2019) 

Self-Care: The ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.

Self-Regulation: The ability to manage one’s emotions and behavior in accordance with demands of the situation. Includes being able to resist highly emotional reactions to upsetting stimuli, adjusting to a change in expectations, and handling frustration without an outburst. Refers to a set of skills that enables one to direct their own behavior towards a goal, despite the unpredictability of the world and one’s own feelings.

Trailblazer: A pioneer; an individual willing to explore areas or try interventions not previously explored or tried. Someone assuming the risk of pursuing new paths.    

Trauma-Informed Care: The assumption that most individuals have some type of trauma history, and care provided by the caregiver should be mindful of this likely trauma when developing a treatment plan (Cannon et al., 2020; SAMHSA, 2014).