Video/Learning Module by Cheryl Woods Giscombe, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, FAAN
Questions and exercises to consider with classmates and/or colleagues:
American Association of Critical Nurses:
American Nurses Association:
Nursing Times:
Oncology Nursing Society:
Bodenheimer, T., & Sinsky, C. (2014). From triple to quadruple aim: care of the patient requires care of the provider. Annals of Family Medicine, 12, 573-576.
Brennan E. J. (2017). Towards resilience and wellbeing in nurses. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 43–47.
Bunting, M. (2016). The Mindful Leader: Seven Practices for Transforming Your Leadership, Your Organisation, and Your Life.
Chapman, M. V., Hall, W. J., Colby, R., & Sisler, L. A. (2014). How images work: An analysis of a visual intervention used to facilitate a difficult conversation and promote understanding. Qualitative Social Work, 13(4), 456–476.
Gaufberg, E. & Zimmerman, C. (2019). The Art of Education.
Letvak, S. (2012). Depression in hospital-employed nurses. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 26, 177-182.
Letvak, S. & Buck, R. (2008). Factors influencing work productivity and intent to stay in nursing, Nursing Economics, 26(3), 159-165.
Letvak, S. (2013). We cannot ignore nurses’ health anymore: a synthesis of the literature on evidence-based strategies to improve nurse health. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 37, 295-308.
Teall, A. M. & Mazurek Melnyk, B. (2021). An Innovative Wellness Partner Program to Support the Health and Well-being of Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 45 (2), 169-174. doi: 10.1097/NAQ.0000000000000457.
Moorman, M. & Hensel, D. (2016). Using Visual Thinking Strategies in Nursing Education. Nurse Educator, 41(1), 5–6. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000185.
Sinclair et al., (2016). Compassion training in healthcare: what are patients’ perspectives on training healthcare providers? BMC Medical Education, 16, 169.
Sinclair, S. et al. (2016). Compassion in health care: An empirical model. Journal of Pain Symptom Management, 51, 193-203.
Woods-Giscombe, C. L. (2021). The LeVine Wellness Program: Facilitators, barriers, and opportunities to foster a culture of health promotion, quality of life, and well-being in a School of Nursing. Creating Safe and Healthy Care Environments – Special Issue, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35, 185-188.